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Pet Friendly Plants

Pet Friendly Plants

Plant Name Common Varieties Common Names Pet-Friendly Why It's Great Care Instructions
Spider Plant Variegated, Curly Spider Ivy, Ribbon Plant Yes Non-toxic; safe for both cats and dogs. Thrives in indirect light, moderate watering.
Boston Fern Nephrolepis exaltata Sword Fern Yes Non-toxic and safe for pets, adds lush greenery to any space. Keep soil moist, place in indirect light, prefers humidity.
Areca Palm Dypsis lutescens Butterfly Palm, Golden Cane Palm Yes Non-toxic, air-purifying, and pet-safe. Bright, indirect light, regular watering to keep soil moist.
Calathea Medallion, Orbifolia, Zebrina Peacock Plant, Prayer Plant Yes Vibrant, patterned leaves, non-toxic, and safe for pets. Indirect light, consistent moisture in soil, prefers humidity.
Parlor Palm Chamaedorea elegans Neanthe Bella Palm Yes Non-toxic, low maintenance, air-purifying. Low to bright indirect light, minimal watering.
Bird’s Nest Fern Asplenium nidus Crispy Wave Fern Yes Safe for pets, wavy fronds add texture, thrives in humidity. Prefers humid environments, indirect light, and moist soil.
African Violet Saintpaulia Cape Marigold, House Violet Yes Beautiful flowers, non-toxic, safe for pets. Moderate to bright indirect light, regular watering.
Prayer Plant Maranta leuconeura Rabbit Tracks Yes Unique folding leaves, pet-friendly, adds dynamic movement to indoor spaces. Indirect light, water regularly, keep soil moist.
Fittonia (Nerve Plant) Hypoestes phyllostachya Mosaic Plant Yes Striking leaf patterns, non-toxic, safe for pets. Requires high humidity, indirect light, and moist soil.
Cast Iron Plant Aspidistra elatior Bar Room Plant Yes Hardy and tolerant, low-maintenance, non-toxic. Grows in low light, occasional watering, tolerates neglect.
Chinese Money Plant Pilea peperomioides Pancake Plant, UFO Plant Yes Pet-friendly, easy to grow, non-toxic. Indirect light, allow soil to dry out between waterings.
Boston Fern Nephrolepis exaltata Sword Fern Yes Lush greenery, non-toxic, safe for pets. Moist soil, bright indirect light, enjoys humidity.
Polka Dot Plant Hypoestes phyllostachya Freckle Face Plant Yes Bright, spotted leaves, safe for pets. Bright, indirect light, keep soil consistently moist.
Dwarf Banana Plant Musa acuminata Dwarf Cavendish Yes Pet-safe, can produce edible bananas indoors if cared for well. Bright indirect light, moist soil, high humidity.
Hoya (Wax Plant) Hoya carnosa, Krimson Queen Porcelain Flower Yes Non-toxic, beautiful waxy leaves, safe for pets. Indirect light, moderate watering, well-draining soil.
Maidenhair Fern Adiantum raddianum Venus Hair Fern Yes Non-toxic, delicate and safe for pets. Bright indirect light, regular watering, high humidity.
Air Plant Tillandsia Sky Plant Yes No soil required, non-toxic, safe for pets. Mist regularly, keep in bright indirect light, no soil required.
Staghorn Fern Platycerium bifurcatum Elkhorn Fern Yes Pet-safe, non-toxic, often mounted on walls for decor. Indirect light, regular misting, humid environment.
Christmas Cactus Schlumbergera bridgesii Holiday Cactus Yes Non-toxic, pet-safe, and produces beautiful blooms during the holidays. Indirect light, moderate watering, and well-draining soil.
Bird of Paradise Strelitzia reginae Crane Flower Yes Safe for pets, large, striking foliage adds a tropical touch to interiors. Bright indirect light, water when top inch of soil is dry.
Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus lyrata Banjo Fig No Toxic to pets, causes oral irritation and vomiting. Bright indirect light, moderate watering.
Peace Lily Spathiphyllum spp. White Sails No Toxic to pets, causes vomiting and mouth irritation. Indirect light, keep soil moist, prefers humidity.
Snake Plant Sansevieria trifasciata Mother-in-law’s Tongue No Toxic to pets, causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Low light tolerance, occasional watering.
Pothos (Devil’s Ivy) Epipremnum aureum Money Plant, Golden Pothos No Toxic, causes oral irritation and vomiting if ingested. Low to bright indirect light, allow soil to dry between waterings.

Key Points:

  • Pet-Friendly Plants like Spider Plant, Bird’s Nest Fern, and African Violet are safe and easy to care for, while adding greenery and beauty to your home.
  • Toxic Plants such as Fiddle Leaf Fig, Peace Lily, and Snake Plant are harmful to pets and should be placed out of reach or avoided.
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