🌱 Exciting News: Our NEW Website Launched on 20.09.24! 🌿
We're working hard to smooth out a few bumps. Thanks for your patience as we make everything perfect!

📦 🌿 Delivery Policy Update! 🌿

Welcome to Quality Plants and Seedlings! We’re thrilled to bring the freshest, healthiest plants straight to your doorstep. Here’s everything you need to know about our delivery process:

🎉 Free Delivery Offer 🚚

Eligibility: Enjoy FREE delivery on seedling orders over $200!
Note: To keep your plants happy, live items are shipped via Express Post for optimal freshness.

📦 Shipping Methods and Schedule 📆

Carriers: We proudly partner with Australia Post and FedEx for reliable delivery. Remember, you can use regular post for non-perishable items like soil, hardware, or nutrients. But as soon as you add a plant or seedling to your cart, it will automatically switch to express shipping to ensure their safe arrival!

🌟 Click and Collect for Extra Savings! 🌿

Avoid delivery charges with our Click and Collect option! Swing by our nursery during these hours:

  • Mon - Sat: 7am - 1pm
  • Sun: Closed

Please note: Our nursery is not open to the public due to OH&S and biosecurity measures to keep our plants safe and healthy!

🌱 Additional Information

We believe in being transparent with you! The checkout rates you see are live rates. While we’ve previously absorbed additional postage costs, rising inflation has led us to adopt these live rates. We appreciate your understanding!

Rest assured, we don’t profit from delivery costs—your support helps us keep our prices low and our products accessible!

📞 Contact Us

Have questions or need assistance? We're here to help! Give us a call at 1300 094 353. Thank you for choosing Quality Plants and Seedlings! We’re excited to grow with you! 🌿❤️

For more details, visit our Delivery Policy.
Vegetable seedlings only; excludes heavy, bulky items.

Express Delivery of all Seedlings to SA, VIC, NSW & QLD
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The Green Path to Wellbeing: How Indoor Plants and Gardening Benefit All Ages

The Green Path to Wellbeing: How Indoor Plants and Gardening Benefit All Ages

The love for indoor plants and gardening transcends generations. It's not just a hobby; it's a wellness practice with profound benefits for both young and older individuals. From cleaner air to enhanced mental health, the positive effects are well-documented and supported by leading psychologists and researchers. In this blog, we'll explore why indoor plants and gardening can be a powerful source of health and wellbeing, backed by scientific evidence and expert opinions.

  1. Stress Reduction: The act of gardening, whether it's tending to houseplants or working in a garden, has been shown to reduce stress levels significantly. Dr. Roger S. Ulrich, a prominent psychologist, and researcher, has found that exposure to natural environments, including plants and greenery, can lead to decreased stress and increased relaxation. It's a therapeutic escape from the pressures of daily life.

  2. Mood Enhancement: Professor Tina Bringslimark, a psychologist specialising in environmental psychology, has discovered that indoor plants have a positive impact on mood. The presence of greenery indoors can promote feelings of happiness and tranquility. Gardening engages the senses and provides a sense of accomplishment, leading to a better mood overall.

  3. Improved Concentration: Cognitive psychologist Dr. Marc Berman's research has highlighted the cognitive benefits of interacting with nature. Indoor plants can enhance concentration and attention span, making them excellent companions for students and older individuals who want to stay mentally sharp.

  4. Better Air Quality: The renowned NASA Clean Air Study, led by Dr. B.C. Wolverton, demonstrated that certain indoor plants can effectively purify the air by removing toxins and improving air quality. For older people with respiratory issues or young children developing their lungs, clean air is essential for overall health.

  5. Physical Health Benefits: Gardening is a physical activity that promotes better health. It encourages mobility, strength, and flexibility. Dr. Bradley J. Cardinal, a specialist in exercise and health psychology, emphasizes the importance of gardening as a form of low-impact exercise that can improve cardiovascular health and overall physical wellbeing.

  6. Sense of Purpose: As people age, they often seek a sense of purpose. Gardening provides a goal and a connection to the natural world. Psychologist Dr. Patricia L. Weigand notes that this sense of purpose can boost self-esteem and overall life satisfaction in older individuals.

Incorporating indoor plants and gardening into one's life is a step toward improved health and wellbeing, regardless of age. The evidence from renowned psychologists and researchers, such as Dr. Ulrich, Dr. Bringslimark, Dr. Berman, Dr. Wolverton, Dr. Cardinal, and Dr. Weigand, underscores the numerous physical and psychological benefits of these activities. So, whether you're a young adult looking to reduce stress or an older person seeking purpose and vitality, consider adding some greenery to your life. It's a simple but potent way to cultivate happiness and wellbeing.

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