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Keeping Tomatoes Alive when planting early.

Keeping Tomatoes Alive when planting early.

Here's a table with ideas for keeping tomato and chilli plants alive early in the season, including using a bottle over the top of the plants and transplanting out of frost season:

Idea Description Benefits
Use a Bottle Over the Top of Plants Cut the bottom off a clear plastic bottle and place it over young plants as a mini-greenhouse. Protects plants from cold and wind; traps warmth and moisture, creating a microclimate.
Transplanting Out of Frost Season Wait until the danger of frost has passed before transplanting your tomatoes and chillies outside. Reduces risk of frost damage, ensuring stronger plant growth.
Mulching Around the Plants Apply a layer of organic mulch (straw, leaves) around the base of your plants. Retains soil moisture, regulates temperature, and suppresses weeds.
Start Seeds Indoors Begin planting seeds indoors in pots or trays before the weather warms up. Gives plants a head start, ensuring they’re ready to transplant when conditions improve.
Use Floating Row Covers Place floating row covers over your plants to protect them from early-season chills and pests. Protects from temperature swings and insect damage.
Gradual Hardening Off Gradually expose indoor-grown plants to outdoor conditions before transplanting them in the garden. Reduces transplant shock, improving plant resilience.
Choose Early-Maturing Varieties Select tomato and chilli varieties known for their early maturation and cold tolerance. Ensures quicker harvests and better survival rates in cooler conditions.
Watering Early in the Morning Water plants early to allow moisture to be absorbed before the heat of the day. Reduces the risk of fungal diseases and conserves water.
Use Frost Cloths or Blankets Cover plants with frost cloths or blankets during cold nights to protect from frost damage. Provides an extra layer of insulation against cold.
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