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Optimising Urban Spaces: A Comprehensive Australian Guide to Indoor and Outdoor Plants

Optimising Urban Spaces: A Comprehensive Australian Guide to Indoor and Outdoor Plants

Botanical Name Common Name Climate Zone Best Used In Light Requirements Watering Conditions Indoor/Outdoor Fertilising Regime Arrangement & Compatibility Soil Type Drainage Suggestions
Dianella caerulea Flax Lily Temperate, Subtropical NSW, VIC, QLD Full sun to partial shade Moderate, drought-tolerant Outdoor Apply slow-release fertiliser in spring Pair with Lomandra for a native garden look; avoid with water-loving plants Well-drained, sandy loam Ensure soil doesn’t retain excess water
Lomandra longifolia Mat Rush Temperate, Subtropical NSW, VIC, SA, QLD Full sun to partial shade Low, tolerates poor soils Outdoor Fertilise lightly in spring with balanced feed Compliments Dianella; avoid pairing with cacti Sandy to clay loam Needs good drainage; raise bed if necessary
Carpobrotus glaucescens Pigface Coastal, Arid WA, NSW, QLD Full sun Low, prefers well-drained soil Outdoor Apply organic fertiliser in early spring Excellent ground cover; pair with Senecio; avoid with water-demanding plants Sandy or rocky soil Use gravel mulch to enhance drainage
Senecio serpens Blue Chalksticks Mediterranean, Coastal WA, SA, VIC Full sun Low, drought-tolerant Outdoor Fertilise once a year in spring with cactus mix Works well with Crassula and Carpobrotus; avoid with large, leafy plants Sandy, well-drained Add sand to soil to improve drainage
Nephrolepis exaltata Sword Fern Tropical, Subtropical QLD, NSW Indirect light, high humidity Moderate, keep soil consistently moist Indoor Use liquid fertiliser monthly during growing season Great as a single specimen or with other ferns; avoid with cacti Peaty, well-draining soil Use pots with drainage holes
Asplenium nidus Bird’s Nest Fern Temperate, Subtropical TAS, VIC, NSW Indirect light Moderate, keep soil moist Indoor Fertilise monthly with a balanced liquid feed Combine with other tropical plants like Philodendron; avoid with succulents Rich, well-drained soil Ensure good pot drainage
Sedum acre Stonecrop Temperate, Arid VIC, SA, WA Full sun to partial shade Low, drought-tolerant Outdoor Fertilise once in spring with succulent fertiliser Pairs well with other succulents; avoid with moisture-loving plants Sandy, rocky soil Ensure soil is gritty and drains well
Ficus pumila Creeping Fig Temperate, Subtropical NSW, VIC, QLD Indirect to low light Moderate, regular watering Indoor/Outdoor Apply balanced fertiliser every 6-8 weeks Ideal for vertical gardens; avoid with delicate flowering plants Well-drained loamy soil Needs good drainage; avoid waterlogged soil
Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla Temperate, Mediterranean SA, VIC, WA Full sun to partial shade Low, well-drained soil Outdoor Fertilise in early spring with organic matter Good for ground cover; pair with Lomandra; avoid with tall, dense plants Sandy to loamy soil Mulch to enhance drainage
Crassula ovata Jade Plant Arid, Coastal WA, SA, QLD Bright indirect light Low, water sparingly Indoor Fertilise every 2-3 months with succulent feed Pairs well with other succulents; avoid with high water-need plants Well-drained, sandy soil Use cactus mix to ensure proper drainage
Howea forsteriana Kentia Palm Tropical, Subtropical QLD, NSW Indirect to low light Moderate, water when topsoil is dry Indoor Use palm fertiliser quarterly Great as a focal point; combine with Spathiphyllum; avoid with tiny, low-growing plants Rich, loamy soil Ensure pots have drainage holes
Spathiphyllum spp. Peace Lily Temperate, Subtropical All states Indirect light Moderate, keep soil moist Indoor Fertilise every 6 weeks with a balanced liquid feed Pairs well with ferns like Nephrolepis; avoid with desert plants Rich, well-drained soil Use potting mix with perlite for drainage
Zamioculcas zamiifolia ZZ Plant Temperate, Arid All states Low light Low, very drought-tolerant Indoor Fertilise lightly every 2-3 months Excellent for low-maintenance setups; avoid with moisture-loving plants Well-drained, loamy soil Ensure pot has excellent drainage
Sansevieria trifasciata Snake Plant Temperate, Subtropical All states Low to bright indirect light Low, water sparingly Indoor Fertilise once in spring with cactus fertiliser Combine with ZZ Plant or Crassula; avoid with moisture-loving plants Sandy, well-drained soil Use cactus mix for optimal drainage
Senecio rowleyanus String of Pearls Temperate, Arid VIC, SA, WA Bright indirect light Low, allow soil to dry between waterings Indoor Fertilise monthly during growing season Hang in baskets or pair with Sedum; avoid with heavy, large plants Sandy, well-drained soil Use succulent mix to enhance drainage
Senecio mandraliscae Blue Chalk Fingers Coastal, Mediterranean WA, SA, VIC Full sun Low, drought-tolerant Outdoor Fertilise in early spring with succulent feed Excellent for borders with Sedum; avoid with moisture-loving plants Sandy, rocky soil Ensure excellent drainage with sand or gravel
Dianella tasmanica Tasman Flax Lily Temperate VIC, TAS, NSW Full sun to partial shade Moderate, well-drained soil Outdoor Fertilise in spring with slow-release fertiliser Combine with Lomandra for contrast; avoid with plants needing heavy irrigation Loamy, well-drained soil Mulch to retain moisture and improve drainage
Lomandra confertifolia Dwarf Mat Rush Temperate, Subtropical NSW, QLD, SA Full sun to partial shade Low, tolerates dry conditions Outdoor Fertilise lightly in spring with organic feed Works well with other grasses; avoid with water-loving species Sandy to clay loam Ensure well-draining soil, mulch if needed
Plectranthus ciliatus Spurflower Temperate, Subtropical NSW, VIC, QLD Indirect light Moderate, keep soil evenly moist Indoor/Outdoor Fertilise monthly with balanced liquid feed Great in mixed containers with Philodendron; avoid with cacti Rich, moist soil Ensure soil remains well-drained
Cyathea australis Rough Tree Fern Temperate, Subtropical NSW, VIC, TAS Indirect light High, keep soil moist and humidity high Indoor/Outdoor Fertilise monthly with fern-specific fertiliser Pairs well with other ferns; avoid with succulents Rich, well-drained soil Use pots with drainage and maintain humidity
Pittosporum tobira Japanese Mock Orange Temperate, Mediterranean VIC, SA, WA Full sun to partial shade Moderate, tolerates some drought Outdoor Fertilise in spring with balanced slow-release feed Combine with Cordyline for contrast; avoid with moisture-loving plants Loamy, well-drained soil Ensure soil is well-drained, mulch if necessary
Cordyline australis Cabbage Tree Temperate Apologies for the cutoff. Here's the continuation and completion of the table with additional details:
Botanical Name Common Name Climate Zone Best Used In Light Requirements Watering Conditions Indoor/Outdoor Fertilising Regime Arrangement & Compatibility Soil Type Drainage Suggestions
Cordyline australis Cabbage Tree Temperate VIC, NSW, TAS Full sun to partial shade Moderate, well-drained soil Outdoor Fertilise quarterly with a balanced fertiliser Pairs well with Pittosporum; avoid with groundcovers that require heavy watering Well-drained, loamy soil Raised beds or containers recommended
Yucca elephantipes Spineless Yucca Arid, Coastal WA, SA, QLD Bright indirect light Low, drought-tolerant Indoor/Outdoor Fertilise twice a year with cactus fertiliser Pairs well with Crassula; avoid with ferns or moisture-loving plants Sandy, well-drained soil Use a pot with drainage holes
Ficus lyrata Fiddle Leaf Fig Temperate, Subtropical NSW, QLD, VIC Bright indirect light Moderate, keep soil moist but not soggy Indoor Fertilise monthly during growing season Great as a standalone or with other large plants; avoid with succulents Rich, loamy soil Ensure pot has good drainage
Monstera deliciosa Swiss Cheese Plant Tropical, Subtropical QLD, NSW Indirect to low light Moderate, water when topsoil dries Indoor Fertilise every 2-4 weeks during growing season Pairs well with Philodendron; avoid with plants needing full sun Peaty, well-drained soil Ensure pot has drainage holes
Philodendron bipinnatifidum Lacy Tree Philodendron Tropical, Subtropical QLD, NSW Indirect light Moderate, keep soil moist Indoor/Outdoor Fertilise monthly with balanced liquid fertiliser Combines well with other tropicals like Monstera; avoid with succulents Rich, well-drained soil Ensure soil drains well and humidity is high

Additional Notes:

  • Complementary Arrangements: Some plants like Cordyline australis and Pittosporum tobira create a visually appealing contrast due to their differing foliage shapes and colors. Meanwhile, Monstera deliciosa and Philodendron bipinnatifidum work well together in creating a lush, tropical vibe.
  • Soil Types: The soil type is critical for plant health. Succulents and drought-tolerant plants generally prefer sandy, well-drained soils, while moisture-loving plants thrive in rich, loamy soils.
  • Drainage: Proper drainage is essential, particularly for indoor plants to prevent root rot. Using pots with drainage holes, adding gravel or sand to the soil, and using a well-draining potting mix are all recommended practices.

This table is designed to assist in selecting and arranging plants that not only thrive in urban office and residential environments but also complement each other aesthetically and functionally.

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