Term | Definition | Characteristics | Examples | Emoticon | Image Link |
Powdery Mildew | A fungal disease that forms a white or gray powdery coating on leaves and stems. | White, powdery spots on leaves and stems. | Powdery Mildew (Begonias, African Violets) | 🌿❄️ | Powdery Mildew Image |
Root Rot | A condition in which roots decay due to overly wet soil or fungal infection. | Blackened, mushy roots, stunted growth. | Root Rot (Pothos, Peace Lily) | 🌱💧 | Root Rot Image |
Leaf Spot | A disease causing small, round spots on leaves, which can be fungal or bacterial. | Small, round spots on leaves, can be yellow, brown, or black. | Leaf Spot (Dracaena, Ficus) | 🍃⚫ | Leaf Spot Image |
Botrytis (Gray Mold) | A fungal disease that causes gray, fuzzy mold on leaves, stems, and flowers, often in cool, damp conditions. | Gray, fuzzy mold on leaves, stems, and flowers. | Botrytis (Orchids, Geraniums) | 🌫️🌸 | Botrytis Image |
Anthracnose | A fungal disease causing dark, sunken lesions on leaves and stems. | Dark, sunken spots on leaves and stems. | Anthracnose (Fiddle Leaf Fig, Rubber Plant) | 🍂🖤 | Anthracnose Image |
Mealybugs | Small, sap-sucking insects covered in a white, powdery wax that can cause stunted growth. | White, cotton-like clusters on leaves and stems. | Mealybugs (Succulents, Orchids) | 🐛🍃 | Mealybugs Image |
Spider Mites | Tiny arachnids that cause yellowing and speckling of leaves, often with webbing. | Yellowing leaves, webbing on undersides. | Spider Mites (Spider Plants, Palms) | 🕸️🍃 | Spider Mites Image |
Whiteflies | Small, white insects that feed on plant sap, causing yellowing and wilting. | Yellowing leaves, visible small white insects. | Whiteflies (Jade Plants, Hibiscus) | 🦟🍃 | Whiteflies Image |
Aphids | Small, sap-sucking insects that can cause stunted growth and transmit diseases. | Clusters of small insects, sticky residue, curled leaves. | Aphids (Various indoor plants) | 🐛🌿 | Aphids Image |
Thrips | Tiny, slender insects that can cause silvering of leaves and transmit plant viruses. | Silvered leaves, stunted growth. | Thrips (Begonias, African Violets) | 🪲🍃 | Thrips Image |
Scale Insects | Small, immobile insects covered by a hard, protective coating that feed on plant sap. | Hard, brown or black bumps on stems and leaves. | Scale (Ficus, Ivy) | 🐞🌿 | Scale Image |
Leaf Blight | A disease causing large, irregular dead areas on leaves. | Irregular, dead patches on leaves. | Leaf Blight (Philodendrons, ZZ Plant) | 🍃⚫ | Leaf Blight Image |
Edema | A physiological disorder caused by water imbalance, resulting in blister-like swellings on leaves. | Blister-like swellings on leaves. | Edema (Pothos, Peace Lily) | 🍃⚪ | Edema Image |
Sunburn | Damage caused by excessive exposure to direct sunlight, leading to white or brown patches on leaves. | White or brown patches on leaves. | Sunburn (Succulents, Fiddle Leaf Fig) | ☀️🍃 | Sunburn Image |
Chlorosis | A condition where leaves produce insufficient chlorophyll, causing yellowing. | Yellowing of leaves, often with green veins. | Chlorosis (Snake Plant, Pothos) | 🍃🟡 | Chlorosis Image |
Leaf Curl | A condition where leaves curl up or down, often due to pests or environmental stress. | Curling of leaves, stunted growth. | Leaf Curl (Fiddle Leaf Fig, Rubber Plant) | 🍃↩️ | Leaf Curl Image |
Damping-Off | A disease that affects seedlings, causing them to rot at the base and collapse. | Seedlings collapse and die, usually at soil level. | Damping-Off (Seedlings) | 🌱❌ | Damping-Off Image |
Phytophthora | A soilborne disease causing root and stem rot, leading to plant collapse. | Root and stem rot, plant collapse. | Phytophthora (Philodendrons, Fiddle Leaf Fig) | 🌱💧 | Phytophthora Image |
Rust | A fungal disease that causes reddish or brownish spots on leaves and stems. | Reddish-brown pustules on leaves and stems. | Rust (Geraniums, Begonias) | 🌿🟤 | Rust Image |
Sooty Mold | A black, sooty fungus that grows on the honeydew excreted by sap-sucking insects. | Black, sooty coating on leaves and stems. | Sooty Mold (Ficus, Citrus Plants) | 🌿🖤 | Sooty Mold Image |
Gall | Abnormal swelling or growth on leaves, stems, or roots, often caused by insects or disease. | Swellings or growths on plant parts. | Gall (Ficus, Hibiscus) | 🍃⚪ | Gall Image |
Viral Mosaic | A virus that causes mottled, mosaic-like patterns on leaves and can stunt growth. | Mottled leaves, distorted growth. | Mosaic Virus (Orchids, African Violets) | 🍃🦠 | Mosaic Virus Image |
Bacterial Leaf Spot | A bacterial disease causing water-soaked spots that turn brown or black on leaves. | Water-soaked spots on leaves. | Bacterial Leaf Spot (Philodendrons, Pothos) | 🍃⚫ | Bacterial Leaf Spot Image |
Calcium Deficiency | A nutrient deficiency causing distorted and necrotic growth at the tips of leaves. | Necrotic leaf tips, stunted growth. | Calcium Deficiency (Succulents, Tomatoes) | 🍃🟡 | Calcium Deficiency Image |
Magnesium Deficiency | A nutrient deficiency causing interveinal chlorosis (yellowing between veins) in older leaves. | Yellowing between leaf veins, green veins. | Magnesium Deficiency (Houseplants) | 🍃🟡 | Magnesium Deficiency Image |
Iron Deficiency | A nutrient deficiency causing interveinal chlorosis in younger leaves. | Yellowing between leaf veins, green veins in young leaves. | Iron Deficiency (Various indoor plants) | 🍃🟡 | Iron Deficiency Image |
Potassium Deficiency | A nutrient deficiency causing brown scorching and curling of leaf tips and edges. | Browning and curling of leaf edges, stunted growth. | Potassium Deficiency (Houseplants) | 🍂🟤 | Potassium Deficiency Image |
Nutrient Burn | Over-fertilization causing leaf tips to turn brown and crispy. | Brown, crispy leaf tips, stunted growth. | Nutrient Burn (Houseplants) | 🍃🔥 | Nutrient Burn Image |